News release
Notice Regarding Approval of Listing on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market

Science Arts, Inc. is pleased to announce that the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. today approved the initial listing of our shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Market. The scheduled listing date on the Tokyo Stock Exchange is Wednesday, November 24, 2021.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all our stakeholders, including service users, business partners and shareholders, who have supported and encouraged us since our inception.

In line with our mission to ‘connect people around the world gracefully’, we will continue to use voice and video in all industries to solve on-site problems through the provision of Buddycom, a live communication platform that connects deskless workers.

Further information on the approval of the initial listing can be found on the JSE Group’s ‘Information on Newly Listed Companies’ website.

This announcement is not intended as an investment solicitation or for any other purpose in Japan or abroad other than to publicly announce the approval of the initial listing of the Company's shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Shareholders are advised to make their own investment decisions after reading the "Share Issue and Subscription Prospectus" (and any amendments thereto). The "Prospectus for the Issuance of New Shares and Secondary Offering of Shares" (and any amendments thereto) may be obtained from the underwriter.

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